Dental Implants are a spectacular breakthrough in tooth replacement. The development and improvement of dental implants comes out of research in Sweden in the 60's and 70's and has provided us with a quantum leap in our ability to approach replacing missing teeth.
Dental implants placed by experienced and well-trained periodontists have over a 95% success rate. They can replace a single missing tooth or multiple teeth. They enable patients to enjoy food and smile with confidence. They are also very effective in stabilizing dentures.
Dental implants are placed painlessly. Occasionally, they can be utilized immediately or after a short healing time to support dentures, replace individual crowns or provide support to eliminate the need for bridges. Patients are universally unaware that they even have dental implants!
Our ability to offer other options besides bridgework, partial or removable dentures, has been a major advance which allow patients to avoid damaging healthy teeth to replace teeth.
Our practice has placed over 4,000 implants with the first one placed in 1986. That implant is still functioning 25 years later.