The careful removal of bacteria under the gum represents the second step in the non-surgical treatment of periodontal disease. Careful scaling procedures require time and skill to be performed successfully. For many patients the removal of hardened bacteria under the gum can return their gum tissue to a state of health. This non-surgical approach, performed with a high level of skill, is the foundation of periodontal treatment. Its success is often dependent upon the degree of periodontal disease the patient presents with. Other procedures are utilized when non-surgical care cannot eradicate periodontal disease.
This new non-surgical system often eliminates the need for costly and painful oral treatments and/or surgery.
Perioscopy™ uses a miniaturized digital video camera that enables our clinicians to diagnose and treat areas below the gum line without the discomfort and inconvenience of surgery!
As one of only three practices in the Tri-State area to have this new equipment - we encourage you to call today to find out if this new treatment system is for you!
From: Laura Fassacesia, R.D.H, B.S.D.
To: Our Valued Patients
As a periodontal dental hygienist for many years, I have always had limitations on what I was able to see on the root surface of the tooth; the gum is in the way. I developed my tactile sense* (*the ability to feel what is on the root below the gum line) and relied on it throughout my career. Now, at our office, we have an endoscopy that allows me to see what we are scaling, the Perioscopy. This equipment has enhanced the way I scale teeth. I do not use it on all patients; only the teeth that has areas that have not resolved from traditional equipment.
The Perioscopy™ is a painless non-surgical (no cutting or stitches required) procedure. While you sit and relax, I place this very small camera in the unhealthy area and clean that area with instruments and ultrasonics*(*instruments that have water and vibration). Some patients are also administered a local anesthesia and do not feel any discomfort (and neither will you). The result is amazing! Periodontal pockets are reduced to a normal 3-4mm without any surgery or pain!"
"This is the best, liberating experience that I as a dental hygienist have ever had to date! Because…."if I can see it, I can remove it.